Publications & writing credits


Following the Sun: the pioneering days of solar energy research at the Australian National University, 1970-2005

Published by ANU ePress, 2012

Book review

Book chapters

  • Seventeen Days”, a political memoir of the period between the 2010 election and the formation of the Gillard government, published in Aulich, C. (ed), The Gillard Government, Melbourne University Press, 2013
  • "Silent Partners: The Fluid Relationship between Women and Dammed Rivers in the Snowy Region of Australia”, published in Lahiri Dutt, K. (ed) Fluid Bonds: views on gender and water, Stree Publications, Calcutta, 2006

Scholarly peer reviewed papers

  • “From wasteland to wetland: creating a community ecological resource from waste water in regional New South Wales”, published in Local Environment journal, 2004
  • “The role of the media in the public disclosure of electoral funding”, published online by the Democratic Audit of Australia Project, 2004
  • Going for zero: a comparative critical analysis of zero waste events in southern New South Wales”, published in Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, 2003

Online credits

Print Credits

Member of the Australian Society of Authors